Zip, Zang, Pow! Three busy months at Clamp Light and three great exhibitions to show for it!
November started off with Carol Cunningham's exhibition POP! Pop continued Cunningham's research into the world of animals and the consumer market through a new interactive experience including Popping Fireworks, Popping Balloons and Pop Culture all centering around the animal.
The exhibition Pop showcased site-specific and time-based installations alongside an investigatory photographic series. Cunningham's was inspired by the tangled cocktail of the childhood song “Pop Goes The Weasel” and the everyday animal/human interaction. Her use of objects such as tootsie pops, popsicle, and actual fireworks that you can pop; drew both comical and poignant links to our societal interactions with animals.
The exhibition Pop showcased site-specific and time-based installations alongside an investigatory photographic series. Cunningham's was inspired by the tangled cocktail of the childhood song “Pop Goes The Weasel” and the everyday animal/human interaction. Her use of objects such as tootsie pops, popsicle, and actual fireworks that you can pop; drew both comical and poignant links to our societal interactions with animals.
(Strike the show/ Erect another)
December was all about the #dinogram ! Chris Adams Exhibition entitled #dinogram was clouded with lots of mystery and intrigue until a few days before the opening. Adams exhibition centered around his exploration on the scanner, something Chris refers to as a Scano-gram. These larger than life digital prints juxtaposed pre-historical animal figures alongside living flora and fauna. Visitors to the gallery during the month were encouraged to take photos and use the hashtag #dinogram creating a historical archive of the big event!
January was all about Jessica Sailors and the female form! Sailors transformed the gallery in a landscape of the body. Her exhibition explored both sculptural and functional forms using ceramics, and photographic self-portraiture. Guests were both delighted and intrigued by hidden sexual signifiers throughout the opening and month. Her photographic work within a picturesque home creates an eerie and uncomfortable insight investigating issues of cultural norms surrounding the female body and beautifying rituals.
For more images of these three great exhibitions be sure to check out our photography archive on Facebook. @