Five THINGS that make me HAPPY

Today I decided to get down to business and clean out some things for the summer arrival of my youngest son after graduating from aviation academy. I did what I NEVER thought I would do....
I threw out (not true.... I carefully placed on the curb for recycling :) all of my beloved ..... magazines!

Never mind that they broke my husband's grandma's dresser with their sagging weight or that I can probably find every single image that was ever in them in Pinterest now. It was still a nostalgic moment for me!

5 things that make me happy..... so here goes:

  1. Art and every part of it - Making it, Sharing it, Talking about it, Selling it, and Discovering it...

2. Traveling and seeing new places and learning about new cultures ... getting inspired .... and enjoying their culinary tidbits...

3.  ETSY community and a lot of new opportunities and of course more new challenges every day..... 

 4 .  A good book makes me happy - this one I got from my last trip to Paris and now it is on my nightstand... or a new Project Runway episode (... I can't wait for a new episode ... hopefully this summer :)

5. And last but not least, What Makes Me Happy: 

My boys' big and small accomplishments and as mom my opportunity to enjoy those small moments together that make for unforgettable memories.....

This list can go on and on .... If my list has inspired you let me know what is on your list of favorites!


in order to keep your balance 

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