Choosing Artworks For Your Home

Pin It The act of choosing artworks to put in your home is sometimes seen as an overwhelming job. Often we look at the need for something to put on our walls or ‘add’ to a room and find the task of selecting that something difficult due to the huge range of art available. But the job isn’t that hard, and shouldn’t be seen as a chore, but something of great enjoyment and an avenue for much reflection and appreciation.

By Claire WindWhen choosing art for your home, ask yourself these questions to get an idea of what you are looking for:
- What is the involvement of the artwork within a room?

Custom Artwork for a lovely customer from Los Angeles 
- Is the artwork there to enhance an environment, or is it the central piece of an interior, which will then be inspired by the artwork?
My watercolors  found new home in Australia 
- What is the purpose of having the art? Decoration? Inspiration? Political/Social Comment? Enhance a theme?
- Budget
- Where is it to be positioned? Consider the size and balance of the space.
Once you have considered these questions the process can be far less daunting.

 “Always, the art chosen should meet your needs and reflect your personality and lifestyle.” 

The easiest and most rewarding way to use art in a room is to buy the art you love! What is your experiences or motivation for buying artwork? Please share your stories in comments, I would love to hear from you! xx, Lana

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