More Plans for 2014

Pin It  I have been blessed to traveled a lot in my life. My parents loved to see new places and they made a distinct effort to travel with me whenever we had the chance while I was growing up.  In college and after I traveled all over Europe. Prior to moving to the US I frequently traveled for my work.  So, needless to say, traveling has developed into a passion of mine, and I get a thrill visiting and exploring new places.  Here is where I went in 2013 and I'm so happy to accomplish it!

I'm working now on my new traveling plans.  This year I would like to travel more locally ... I intend to stay in the US and maybe explore both coasts.  Or perhaps take a nice drive along the Pacific ..... by RV might be a fun choice.....We'll see... so far Las Vegas, Napa Valley, and the Caribbean are all on my list .... and of course my favorite winter destination is Miami Beach and St. Petersburg, Russia for summer :)

Well, I'm dreaming big....and I want to make memories all over the world! Woohoo!!!!

Have you turned any dreams into plans? How did it work out? 
I would love to know....please share it with me,

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