Monday Morning ... new day, new week, new start ....

Hello Monday! My brain is running at a slow pace, in need of a second cup of coffee to kick in ... (now already), and I'm slightly sad that the weekend is gone. So, I'll take a few hours to browse my favorite blogs, online magazines and pretty pictures from my trips, and read up on my friends' blogs .... all to inspire me.
So you are a creative professional and this is you life sources. Embrace it and make some time for it! Without inspiration you have no fuel in the tank, and that will lead to nowhere. Most of the time I'm working on a series of pieces ... so it is easier for me. But every Monday when I have Monday-brain, I need something to get me excited and to spark my creativity again. So often my Pinterest inspiration board gives me a kick in the rear end. As an artist I need my creative juices to flow freely .... so it is great to start this morning with a giant cup of coffee, and let those couple hours visually trigger my brain. This is a part of my creative process!  So, I'm taking time and adding this to my Monday routine! I hope this will be inspiring for you as well!

1. Just a few of the many things I love about Paris  here  ...  nearly daily posts of a life in Paris and the Paris lifestyle .... I think the writer behind the blog reminds me of myself and my love of the city from the first time I set foot in the City of Lights. 
An inviting café scene from my Paris trip
2. learn more from the blogger pro here . Go to her Press section .... she really has a creative and knowledgeable approach of  social media business .... I learned something new from her lately.  

3. here is more from my Pinterest  board ( I think it is about time to think about White Christmas ... inspiration is everywhere.... sometimes you don't even have to leave home to be inspired:) 

4. and here if you in design or home decoration.... lovely posts from my favorite design blog.  

5. last but not least, to celebrate another successful business year selling online I am happy to giveaway one print of my original watercolors of your choice! This is first time I have used the generated raffle, so we'll see how well it  works. In the mean time I wish everyone best luck and cheers! xx, Lana

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