Quotes of the Week - November Inspiration

How are you lovelies?
I hope November treats you well. I can never come up with what to say by the end of the week... ( no wonder :) so here are some words lately I found that inspire and move me forward:

"When it comes to art, buy with your eyes, not your ears. I try very hard not to "decorate" with art. Art should be reflective of your personality and what is going on in your head - not reflective of the colors of a sofa". - Hotelier Jason Pomeranc

"Collect things you love, that are authentic to you, and your house becomes your story."
 - Erin Flett 

Ring the bells that still can ring 
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack in everything
That's how the light gets in....
-Leonard Cohen

Do you have any favorite words, quotes, or sayings to move your forward?

Share them with me in comments.  I would love to hear from you. And for now I wish you a lovely weekend and many great memories to fill :)  
xx, Lana

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